[Coco] Coco proto board
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Sep 14 10:47:10 EDT 2007
On Friday 14 September 2007, Mark McDougall wrote:
>I'm toying with the idea of producing a coco 'prototype' board that plugs
>into the cartridge connector slot.
>I'm thinking of putting a MAX3000A CPLD on there to handle both address
>decoding and allow programmable I/O. It will also have a ROM socket and a
>'proto area'. Build option will be clocked by E/Q or on-board clock.
>Which address lines should I route to the CPLD for decoding? I was
>thinking perhaps the top few lines and the bottom few... what would be the
>best mapping options for such a board?
As most of the stuff the coco used needed its i/o in 4 byte wide hunks, I
think I'd use the 14 most significant address lines, and if doing other i/o,
all 16. But the logic for the individual device enables would do with just
the top 14.
>And any other options that would be nice?
Yes, a kit to replace the shacks own broken decoders in the coco proper.
Having the whole $FF00-$FF1F block tied up for one pia that needs
$FF00-$FF03, and again from $FF20 -$FF3F for the other pia that actually
needs $FF20-$FF23 was a short cut that should have been nipped in the bud
before it ever saw production in the first gray ghosts.
>FYI: we're getting another (non-coco) PCB (2-sided) done and I thought we
>could fill out the panel with a handful of these boards... so it's not
>definite yet... just a thought atm...
Looking at the MAX3000A's pdf, I assume theres a 'password' to get into this
chip for programming purposes? I didn't see it in a 1 minute scan. If so,
can the coco itself program this chip? That would be very neat.
How large a device did you have in mind?
Cheers, Gene
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