[Coco] [Color Computer] Realm of Nauga

garysweaver garysweaver at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 19 21:04:14 EDT 2007


I'm looking for any information anyone out there has on an old
cassette coco1 game called Realm of Nauga. I bought it in the early
80s from a Radio Shack and have heard that after that it was included
in some compilation(s) in coco clubs (via trading, etc.) If you have
it, It would be really awesome if you could share it, and if you have
a picture of a distribution of it (cassette, etc.) that would be way
cool, and screenshot would be super awesome. If you know the name of
the author, when it was written, or any of that then you are just the
coolest. I'm trying to put together a Wikipedia article on it, because
it was one of the early roguelike progenitors to Nethack. My wikipedia
article was already deleted once because it didn't have enough info,
but I got it undeleted, but I need to find more info on it if you have
any so it won't get deleted again due to lack of info. :) Also, please
add whatever information you can to Wikipedia on the old coco games.
It is really sad to see all of the broken links to old sites on coco
stuff, and I think a good way to keep information about the coco from
getting lost is to put it into wikipedia (which I think will be around
a long time). Please email me at garysweaver (at symbol here) gmail
(dot com) or just post stuff up on the Realm of Nauga article in


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