[Coco] French Translation Compensation

Thierry Mella thierry.mella at skynet.be
Mon Nov 19 22:54:44 EST 2007

Roger Taylor wrote:

> At 08:24 PM 11/19/2007, you wrote:
>> Hello Roger,
>> I've translated a lot of 6809 specs from french to english several 
>> months ago.
>> In counterpart, you offered me several gifts from coco3.com
>> But I didn't received any one.
>> So may I ask you if you've send them ?
>> In any case, here's my adress :
>> Thierry Mella
>> 50 Général Lotz street
>> 1180 Brussels
>> Belgium
>> Europe
> Thierry,
> As my last reply mentioned, I added you to the outgoing mailing list 
> for the Super CoCo Archive DVD.  I'm making these right now and have a 
> batch going out tomorrow, and the next day, until all orders are 
> caught up.  I'm clicking along pretty fast.  This is a $15 product.
> I bought some blank 8.5gb DVDs for producing a few more "CoCo TV" DVDs 
> which play on your home DVD set.  This is the PennFest 2000 event on 
> video tape.  I'll send that as well. This was a $19.95 or higher product.
> If you want a product key for the Rainbow IDE, download a copy from 
> www.rainbowide.com and e-mail me with the code you see in the Help 
> menu.  This is normally a $45 product which is on sale at this time 
> but is worth the price of gold.
> No other products are being produced at this time due to my high job 
> demands at UPS for the Christmas peak season, until January.  I'm only 
> doing low overhead items at this time.

Thanks for your offer. I'm *very* excited to see theses gifts ...

> The translated material probably will go unused due to the major 
> market difference in France and the U.S.  I was going to resell a set 
> of 6809 computer boards but the company could not offer a reasonable 
> price that anyone in the U.S. could justify as even close to 
> comparable to our boards.  A CoCo 2 motherboard has the same chipset 
> and can be gotten on Ebay for a few bucks, vs. this particular 
> company's $1,000+ 6809 board (my cost).

I'm sorry to hear that. Don't you have any company in the U.S. that 
makes 6809 boards also ?
Or is this french company alone in the world ? (I would be surprised)

> However, I appreciate the translations, and I've got them stored in 
> case I work out some deal with the company in the future. 

You're welcome ! :-)

I will send you the Rainbow IDE code in a private mail.

Thanks Again !


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