[Coco] Updated "Tandy's Little Wonder" now available for download!

Mike Pepe lamune at doki-doki.net
Mon Nov 12 19:42:09 EST 2007

Frank Swygert wrote:
> I sent Dennis the latest update I made of "Tandy's Little Wonder" for 
> posting on the list site.  The URL is 
> <ftp://maltedmedia.com/coco/Farna/Tandy's%20Little%20Wonder/Cocobook-TLW2.pdf> 
> .
> I updated the book in 2006 with the intent of printing and selling a few 
> more, but didn't get much response. Rather than let the project go to 
> "waste" I decided to post it for download. I won't be doing another update.
> The book contains history, repair and maintenance info, schematics, and 
> just about anything I could find on the CoCo 1/2/3 back in 1993 when the 
> first edition went out. Anything required to operate and maintain a CoCo 
> is in there -- from a quick users guide to how to make cables and even 
> repack it in a PC case. There are over 120 pages of info.
> I retain copyright, so no one can sell it without permission from me, 
> but feel free to download and print a copy out for your personal use. 
> Anyone can also copy the file or print one out for a friend, but not 
> post the file anywhere. You may link to the list site though, provided 
> Dennis has no objections to that.

Thanks Frank, this is a great read!

It's fun seeing some of my pictures there. I don't remember you asking 
permission! (calls lawyer)... {joke}

IMHO, this content should go into the wiki. Then, instead of everyone 
nit-picking, they can just fix it :)

again, nice work


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