Chester A Patterson vchester at setec-cr.com
Mon Nov 5 10:39:25 EST 2007

For years I worked with my trusty Seagate ST-225 20 Meg Burke & Burke
rig. It permits two distinct OS9boot files to reside on a single
partition. It still runs but I retired it. I recently bought the
absolutely fantastic Cloud-9 IDE interface with a 256MB CF card. On the
CF card there are 256 DECB floppies and 128M dedicated to OS9. I have
(currently) four OS9boot "disks" in the DECB section that I select from
the AUTOEXEC.BAS that runs from CF card Drive 0. You just add menu items
to the autoexec.bas to access whatever disk you want. It's great! And
the OS9 partition is completely free for me to use REPACK (Burke &
Burke) or whatever without having to worry about a moved boot file or
didling LSN0. Floppyless boot of whatever you want! I suppose that with
the SCSI controller the same can be done, even more perhaps. I didn't go
that route because SCSI hardware here in Costa Rica is VERY hard to find
and support is nil. IDE on the other hand is everyone's balliwack.

-----Original Message-----
From: Leonard [mailto:leonard23 at verizon.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 8:10 AM
To: 'CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts'
Subject: [Coco] HD AUTOBOOT

So, when I get my Superboard I'll be able to boot directly from the Hard


-----Original Message-----
From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com]
On Behalf Of Stephen Castello
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 2:55 PM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] 720k 3.5" floppies

On Sat, 3 Nov 2007 11:35:34 -0600, "Chester Patterson"
<vchester at setec-cr.com> had a flock of green cheek conures squawk out:

>I've bought a couple of Tandy 1400's just in order to get at the 720k
>I've had three drives go belly up in the last 2 months. What other old 
>computers used standard 720k 3.5" drives that I can apapt to the Coco? 
>I have zero experience with anything non-Coco or non-PC. Thanks.

If you modify the floppy cable to not connect to the power pins, you can
use the one from a Tandy 1000HX.


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