[Coco] French Translation Compensation

Thierry Mella thierry.mella at skynet.be
Mon Nov 19 21:24:33 EST 2007

Hello Roger,

I've translated a lot of 6809 specs from french to english several 
months ago.

In counterpart, you offered me several gifts from coco3.com

But I didn't received any one.

So may I ask you if you've send them ?

In any case, here's my adress :

Thierry Mella
50 Général Lotz street
1180 Brussels

Thanks & Happy CoCo'ing !


ps: here's a copy of the mail that you send me about one year ago :

 > If you would like the CoCo TV DVD product (2 to 3 DVD set), Rainbow 
IDE registration and CoCo Collection CD, let me know if that is enough
 > compensation.  I'm going to make a new run of PC Link cables for the 
CoCo soon, which you are welcome to claim one as well.

 > Thanks for the hard work, and Happy CoCo'ing.

 > Roger

Engineering is the Art of making what you want from things you can get.

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