[Coco] PS-2 Mouse on CoCo

Derek dml_68 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 11 12:15:52 EST 2007

I am looking for pin out and a parts list for adapting a PS-2 mouse for use on my CoCo 3. I have a PS-2 Mouse and the DIN plug for the coco joystick port. 

Is it just a matter of cutting the end off the PS-2 mouse and soldering the correct wires to the coco DIN plug ends? Would I need any resistors or other parts in-line to get it functional?

Since I got my 3.5" drive running with my FD-500 drive this is my new fairly easy project I want to attempt.

If it's fairly easy to write up instructions this would make a great submission for Mary's Newsletter.

Thank you


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