[Coco] wildcards

Bruce W. Calkins brucewcalkins at charter.net
Sat May 12 19:08:26 EDT 2007

> On Saturday 12 May 2007, mike delyea wrote:
>>I'm trying to do a wildcard copy with NitrOS-9 and I'm having some
>>problems.  The error is "must specify output directory if more than 2
>>files".  I'm trying to copy the CMDS directory to a disk I COBBLERed using
>>":copy /d0/CMDS/* /d0/CMDS".  This is a single disk copy.
> You probably will overflow the expansion buffer in the shell due to too 
> many
> files.
> I think dsave might be your friend there as it can write a script, that 
> when
> run, will do it as a series of copys.

Oh yes, my old friend DSAVE piped to shell.

DSAVE /D0/CMDS D1/CMDS ! SHELL should do the trick.  I don't know how well 
it will work on a single disk system though.

Bruce W. 

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