[Coco] Grr!!! Bad MPI! No biscuit!

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat May 5 21:38:35 EDT 2007

On Saturday 05 May 2007, coco at yourdvd.net wrote:
>I believe Marty Goodman once recommended that the ls245 in the CoCo AND
>the MPI be replaced with a faster version (the ''F'' version, I think
>he mentioned). -r

The F version might work, but I think I'd troll the manuals and find one that 
has a better controlled turnaround behaviour.  The F is a copper plated 
bottom cast iron power hog, and since it runs from the coco's power supply 
rather than the mpi's, we don't need to heat that puppy up anymore than we 
have to.  Its typically 3 degrees from signing a ~30~ now.  I had in mind 
maybe the 74HCT245, but I'd have to check the books to be sure about that.  
Speed isn't what we need there, a few ns of tristate time between directions 
is. IIRC 10ns of tristate time would clean that problem up like a spray of 
Mr. Clean & a Bounty towel. :)

OTOH, the next problem is those solder coated edge connectors.  I got tired of 
messing with those, sawed them off, and spot soldered a gold plated strip I 
sawed off an old pc video card.  End of that problem. :-)

Cheers, Gene
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