[Coco] [Color Computer] C compiler for 6809

Manney mannslists at invigorated.org
Sat May 5 06:11:26 EDT 2007

Willard Goosey wrote:
>> From: "twand76" <twand76 at yahoo.com.au>
>> Date: Sat, 05 May 2007 05:41:21 -0000
>> Can anyone recommend a good cheap (free) c compiler for the COCO3?
> There's also a port of Small C (for OS-9) on rtsi.  I've never used
> it, so I can't really say if it qualifies as "good" or not.
> There was a native DECB C compiler, or at least someone did an ad for
> it in Rainbow back in the day, but I don't know of anyone who has a
> copy.
> Otherwise, you're looking at cross-compiling, and I'm not sure what
> the status of the GCC port is.  Anyone?
> Willard

I thought the gcc6809 project was dead?


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