[Coco] Rainbow IDE status

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Sun May 20 15:14:22 EDT 2007

I did a lot of work on Rainbow yesterday with some internal overhauls 
to the compiler/assembler/linker add-in abilities.  So much will be 
automated that you'll slap yourself silly when you see it run, when 
it's released :)

Again, these components are now called Builders and can just be 
copied into the \Rainbow IDE\Builders\AnyBuilder folder and an 
initial .ini file will be created if one doesn't exist.  It will be 
stocked with a few basic elements that will let the builder work with 
the IDE automatically, then you can customize the options from a 
small dialog box.  You just define whether the builder is a compiler, 
assembler, linker, or other type.  Other types could be anything, 
like file compressors, etc.

Compilers naturally can be C, Fortran, Pascal, C++, or whatever is 
available that will run in a Windows console prompt (32-bit 
command-line exe).  I haven't tested any compilers or linkers yet, 
but all of the assemblers I have at hand are working GREAT.  The 
awesome TASM multi-CPU assembler fits right in and is fully 
automated.  It's included with the IDE and no configuration is 
needed.  You simply choose TASM in the left sidebar and select the 
CPU type from the large list of vintage CPUs, and modes like 
Listing/Symbols/Quiet/Debug, etc. and then output object type (ROM, 
S-Record, etc.), and the IDE creates the commands.  The 
CoCo-compatible assemblers will show other objects like 
LOADM/multi-record, and the single-record LOADM format which is 
similar to a ROM image but has a LOAD header/trailer to tell the CoCo 
where to load the program into RAM.

All of the options are together in little drop-down listboxes.  A 
couple of clicks for each source code file does the trick.  You can 
even select a different assembler, modes, and objects for any source 
file in your project.  This makes Rainbow more dynamic than most IDEs 
that insist on using one assembler for all of the project source code files.

If anyone knows of a free C compiler, or any other language compiler, 
that produces 6809 source, I'd like to get a copy for testing.  I can 
add modes in my CCASM assembler for handling types of 6809 source 
that might not be EDTASM-friendly.  Chet's CASM assembler is included 
and does have different modes that might even work with the produced 
source code from the compiler.  Again, the IDE will fully automate 
the process after I learn what is required.

You'll be able to effortlessly (that's the goal anyway) 
Compile->Assemble->Link->Run in the emulator IN ONE CLICK, for any 
language that can produce 6809 source that I can teach CCASM to handle.

I'm also adding color coding to the builder's .ini files so you can 
read your source code much better!  Bookmarks will be saved and reset 
automatically.  CCASM error lines will be highlighted where you can 
jump between them in different files.  It hasn't previously worked 
the way I want it to, but things will definately improve in the 
editor windows in version 2.0.

Oh, we also need a CoCo BASIC compiler for Windows.  I have always 
wanted to add this, but time doesn't allow right now.  A BASIC 
compiler would be added to the IDE as a builder just like any other 
compiler, and would fit right into the smooth operation you're used to.

Any new suggestions or ideas?

Roger Taylor

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