[Coco] Hex calculator (off topic)

John Kowalski sock at axess.com
Tue Mar 27 19:57:53 EDT 2007

At 05:20 PM 27/03/2007 -0600, CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts wrote:
>Hi. Does anyone know if there was ever a Hexadecimal calculator and
>where to get one?
>I know a spreadsheet is great for this but sometimes my job requires to
>do some simple boolean hex math in the field, on the plant floor, not
>the place for a PC, not even a laptop (unless it's
>dust/water/petro/food/scalding/freezing proof). A calculator of sorts
>would be great.

I use a Sharp EL-5050.  It can work in hexadecimal, octal, binary and
decimal.  It also includes AND, OR, NOT, XOR, XNOR operations along with all
the usual scientific calculator functions.  It's also programmable.

Unfortunately, I don't think they've made this calculator in about 20 years.

                                         John Kowalski (Sock Master)

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