[Coco] Good news: my CoCo 3 is back to life!

L. Curtis Boyle curtisboyle at sasktel.net
Mon Mar 5 10:21:35 EST 2007

On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 08:37:14 -0600, Mark Marlette <mark at cloud9tech.com>  

> BP,
> As I specified...The WD controllers. There are also 3rd party  
> controllers like J&M and HDS, etc. The best bet is to look at the  
> controller. The J&M used a weird non WD disk controller. Don't recall  
> what is was SY something. Too many designs going at the moment.
> Mark

    Is that the one they used for the Memory Minder disk alignment ROM they  
have in 16K JD DOS? That was a cool program, as long as you had the  
special alignment disk, which seem to be rarer than hen's teeth now.

L. Curtis Boyle

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