[Coco] [Color Computer] X10 driver

Merv Curley mervc at eol.ca
Tue Jun 26 14:19:13 EDT 2007

On Monday 25 June 2007 17:06, Roger Merchberger wrote:

> >I also have an earlier model [ 26-1182 ] for the Coco 1 which was
> > described in some very early Rainbows. The article described how to send
> > X10 signals using assembly language [?].
> I would think that the sending/receiving of commands between the "CoCo1"
> and "CoCo2" versions would've changed much, if at all. If you had that
> listing, I'd think there are more people than just me who'd be interested
> in seeing it.
No I think that X10 have stayed with the original protcol for the main part.

> If one had the programming information for the unit (commands, etc.) would
> it not be easy to use the built-in cassette ML 'hooks' to send/receive that
> data to the unit? Just a thought...
I found Part 3 of the series in June 83,  Pg 98, but the Apr and May issues 
are hiding somewhere.  Apparently Part 1 had some Basic programs to send 
commands to X10 units. The unit was discontinued at that time, and the 
replacement for the Coco 2 was around the corner I guess.

There is an Assembly language listing but I have  2 pages of hand written hex 
values which might mean it was called as a USR(0) routine. Or did I have a 
list of Data statements poking values into memory, who knows 20 plus years 

Hope that helps someone.


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont. Can

SuSE 10.2 Linux    
Desktop  KDE 3.5.5    KMail 1.9.5

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