[Coco] [Color Computer] Ira's Archive (trs-80.com) Available For Download

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Jun 22 13:20:18 EDT 2007

On Friday 22 June 2007, Derek wrote:
>> I've more or less stayed out of this till now, but AISI, this is a more
>> blatant copyright violation than anything else we've ever done in
>this group
>> under the guise of "Preserving history".  Ira has made it plain that
>*you* do
>> NOT have permission, and that should be as far as it goes.  If any
>of my work
>> is in that collection (and I do not know, but its possible since I did
>> write/re-write some useful tools for os9), consider this as a Cease and
>> Desist notice.
>> Considering that it supposedly takes kdx to access this, and that a
>legal copy
>> of kdx is $30, I consider this just another spam by a wannabe
>spammer.  Cease
>> and Desist this activity also.
>> >--
>> >Coco mailing list
>> >Coco at ...
>> >http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
>> --
>> Cheers, Gene
>> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
>> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
>> <wli> sleep is such a waste of time
>> 	- excerpt from #offtopic (the #kernelnewbies off-topic channel)
>I am the one who distributed the DVD set in the 1st place after IRA
>granted permission to me personally via e-mail. I did ask 1st.

Good for you.  That simple act makes a world of difference in how you are 
viewed by our peers.

>I am at a loss on a couple of points here. From what you message says
>you think it's ok to get the files from IRA's site but not ok for
>someone to distribute the EXACT same files in a different way? I could
>see you being angry if hex_gmail was trying to sell the archives but
>he isn't.

Do an ebay search for hex-star.

>If you took a moment to look at all the archives he offerers 
>on his ftp not just the TRS-80 stuff you would see his intentions are
>to preserve and share vintage computer software files. I for one am
>As far as your Cease and Desist "order" goes it is laughable that you
>would think it is in any way legally binding. You need to show proof
>of specific files that you own the copyright on being shared. Then you
>would need to have a lawyer serve Cease and Desist notification the
>the people sharing and the ISP which hosts the files, along with logs
>proving that they were indeed breaking the law by sharing. To put a
>general message in a public web forum saying "Cease and Desist sharing
>anything I wrote" without specific file names or proof that it has
>even been done is laughable. I don't know where you are from but in
>the USA that I live in there is still something called due process.
>May want to look it up.

I'm well aware of that Derick.  Nuff said.  But I wanted to make the point, 
and the point was that he was not given permission by Ira.

>I for one enjoy finding and archiving vintage computer material. I
>will continue to share with the community. There are some of out here
>who do this kind of thing out of love for the old systems and as a
>hobby. Not as a way to make a profit or to take food out of other
>peoples mouths.
>Out of respect for you as a CoCo software programmer if you say please
>and provide a list of your programs and proof of them holding a
>copyright I will remove them from any future sharing that I do. Maybe
>you could post a listing here and on coco3.com stating which ones you
>do not want shared.

I don't have anything out there, either for the coco/os9 or for the amiga, 
that isn't usable by anyone who has a copy, or that cannot be emailed to 
someone asking for it if you happen to have a copy.  This includes the 
freebie or shareware amiga stuff, like EZCron and EZHome.  For the coco/os9, 
vfy was a from scratch effort by me, GSort I cleaned up, Dsort I cleaned up, 
pf I pretty well rewrote, and my fingerprints are in the replacement c.prep, 
version 19, for the c compiler.  RTSI has a few of the other, more specialty 
things.  I also have work in some of the 6309 conversions that have been 
done, such as the rbf.mn in os9/nitros9, although Boisy has now re-arranged 
some of that.  I put the multiple sector cluster code back into rbf.mn that 
Kevin had removed with one of his Christmas presents, and actually made it 
work.  The original had a bug that effected disk space recovery on a files 

>None of us are here to hurt each other. We are just a group of old
>bastards that enjoy vintage Radio Shack computers. Our wives don't
>understand why, our kids think anything without 16 billion colors and
>head shot kills is lame. Lets try and keep this hobby serene and
>enjoyable without a lot of unnecessary pissing and moaning.

That pretty well, except for the bastard part, describes us as a group to a T.
Old fart, guilty, wives often don't grok it at all, & my kids do their 
darndest to send me a video in some odd-ball winderz format, and have been 
known to be amazed that my linux boxes can play it.  2 of them are now making 
derogatory comments about winderz, so there is hope for the old mans git yet 
I think.  Those that survive that is.  My record there isn't so hot.

Now, I think I have 'said my piece' on this, so this thread is as far as I'm 
concerned, officially dead.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
I would rather be a serf in a poor man's house and be above ground than
reign among the dead.
		-- Achilles, "The Odessey", XI, 489-91

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