[Coco] [From:Jon Garber]Can anyone please send me the latest copy of Ira ...

Rod Barnhart rod.barnhart at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 12:47:58 EDT 2007

> Yes, if you take the time to download the documents & whatnot yourself,
> make your own compilation, and distribute it, then it isn't illegal. It's
> unfortunate if they don't help support the site they got it from, but it's
> not illegal... but wholesale copying of someone else's compilation in a
> form _that they do not offer for free_ is definitely theft.
> Sorry, I'm with Ira on this one.
> Laterz,
> Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Aside from your definition of "theft" to include non-scarce goods,
including some which, I gather, Ira has questionable (or no) legal
right to distribute himself, I'm completely on board with you both ;)

What I'm saying, in case it's not clear, is that the e-bay seller is
obviously ethically wrong to be profiteering from someone else's hard
work. It's also extremely rude to ring up a domain holder because he
didn't answer your email.

I'm also saying that calling it "theft" is dangerous, less someone
accuse Ira of "theft" for distributing copyrighted work that no one
but us cares about. I appreciate Ira's work, but hate the word "theft"
when it comes to stuff like this, even when the ethical line has
clearly been crossed (IMHO).

Rod Barnhart aka Wintermute (http:/www.nitemarecafe.com)

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