[Coco] [Color Computer] The CoCo is alive!!?! Who knew?

Brian Sumpter bsumpter at emediadesigns.com
Fri Jun 1 12:16:38 EDT 2007

Hello all ...

I just found this list today while researching my old CoCo II to show 
my wife my first computer. Needless to say I'm a little surprised 
(and very happy) to find the CoCo is still alive and kicking after 
all these years. So happy, in fact, that I just pulled my old CoCo II 
out of storage and set it up in my office.

Now I'm on a software hunt! When I was a kid using the CoCo, software 
was rare and hard to come by. I programmed most of my own games and 
utilities, and although these are long gone now, it taught me the 
basics (pun intended) of programming and began what whould turn into 
a computer career for me.

Now that most of this stuff would be considered public domain, where 
could I find some of the old software I lusted after in the RS 
catalogs as a kid? Another minor point is I'm wondering how I 
transfer this software from my PC to the CoCo 5.25" floppies? I 
*think* I have an old 5.25" floppy drive somewhere in a box for the 

Also, if anyone has a box of old CoCo II software on either 5.25" 
floppies or cassettes they would be willing to sell, I'd be willing 
to entertain an offer.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.


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