[Coco] OT: Linux and such... (here's a cure)

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Jul 25 14:34:41 EDT 2007

On Wednesday 25 July 2007, Roger Taylor wrote:
>At 09:14 PM 7/24/2007, you wrote:
>>John Guin <johnguin at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Err, seriously, can we take the linux topics off list?
>>But I don't read any linux lists. ;-)
>See the front page of www.coco3.com
>Just a heads up for those here who are involved in expanding the
>CoCo's existence to other platfoms using emulators and development
>tools, etc.  CoCo3.com has a multi-platform mailing list for all this
>jibber jabber tech talk and invites CoCo/6809/6309/OS-9/NitrOS-9
>developers who use Linux, Windows, and other OSes to join and talk
>about setting these systems up and so forth so that the CoCo projects
>can be done.  Even if you don't write CoCo stuff, your knowledge of
>these other platforms would help those who are trying to pull off
>these CoCo Miracles that we all seem to love.  To sum it up, to have
>a virtual CoCo on *your* other favorite PCs, there needs to be a
>place for developers to share ideas and make stuff happen like this.  ;)
>This should lighten up the off-topic messages here and give a
>separate "channel" of e-mail for the 'OT guys" which seem to be
>growing all the time, and includes me, a fellow CoCo/PC
>developer.  The e-mail headers will show [CoCo-PC] or something
>similar so you can easily filter them if you like.  Simple enough,
>who's up for it?

A separate mailing list?  That does have a certain cachet to it, and it should 
unload this stuff from those running the real hardware.  So I'll vote yea 
before I lose any of my friends here with my OT gibberish.

Cheers, Gene
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