[Coco] Checking/Testing a 68B09P

George's Coco Address yahoo at dvdplayersonly.com
Tue Jul 3 00:18:05 EDT 2007

 I've often dreamed of building a 6809 micro from scratch. No video or 
keyboard. It would use a serial port to talk to a terminal. Sorta like the 
early micros before they morphed into PCs. .Of course, it would boot from a 
floppy or hard drive to OS9. Since the boot rom would have to be written in 
assembly, this would be out of the question for me.

 It seems to me that if someone really wanted to build a nostalga type micro 
from scratch, that would be a perfect chip to build one around.

 Perhaps I should try to learn assemby under OS9, ask stupid questions from 
this list and begin the process. I'll try to find some time to devote to 

 I've collected 8Kx8 static ram chips, Eproms, 74xnn/n chips and all sorts 
of other types of chips, including some 6809 chips. I can build the machine 
, I just don't how to write the software. I'm not begging for help, just 
musing on this topic.


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