[Coco] Someones Dreaming!

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Sat Jan 20 18:55:04 EST 2007

On 20 Jan 2007 at 12:02, Roger Taylor wrote:

> True, Mark.  PayPal and Ebay get a Huge % of every sale.  And now
> being one company, they pretty much get 25% or more of every thing you
> do through them.

Yes i f you sell items in the $0.25 to $.9.99 range then yes the percentage is high. 

For an item that is listed for under $1 the listing fee is $0.20. that alone is 
20%.then add 5.25% if you sell it for under a dollar. IF you then  use any of the 
other selling options then the percentage will reach upwards to 50%. 

Sell an item for $1000 and Ebay's charges end up being 2.56%. 

These don't include Paypal charges if you use them.  Paypal charges are mostly 
for receiving money. That is a graduated fee of 2.9% downto 1.9% depending on 
the dollar amount per month in a premier or business account. For a personal 
account the rate is 4.9% and only five receptions per 12 month period. These 
reflect US transaction only. There are additional charges for currency exchange 
and for foreign bank tranfers. 

Yes these fees are w here Ebay and Paypal make their money. Making money off 
fees for processing and transfer of money is not limited to ebay and paypal. 
Western Union and others do practically the same. You need to price your items 
such that the cost is factored into how much profit you desire. Shipping and 
handling costs need to reflect how you ship and package the item and to where. 


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