[Coco] Rainbow IDE 2.0 amd OS-9 development

Roger Taylor operator at coco3.com
Mon Jan 22 15:02:27 EST 2007

Greetings folks,

I'm proud to announce that the OS-9 Level II RMA assembler for 
Windows is supported by Rainbow IDE 2.0 as well as the ability to 
send the binaries onto one or more OS-9 floppy images using the 
os9.exe tool.  You'll be able to literally create massive OS-9 
programs from Rainbow if everything works the same as it does for 
Disk BASIC builds.  So far, so good, with the exception that 
rlink.exe for Windows is not implemented yet.  Rainbow doesn't call 
on linkers just yet.

The small OS-9 test project I wrote builds just like a Disk BASIC 
.dsk project, leaving you with an OS-9 .dsk in your work directory, 
ready to mount in the M.E.S.S. emulator.

At this time, only blank OS-9 floppies are created by the IDE, but I 
plan to take a stock OS-9 system .dsk and use it to copy into your 
work directories before stocking them with your built programs.

This is OS-9 programming from Windows, straight from source code to a 
stocked floppy disk image.
Isn't this GREAT?!

Here is the only source code component:

PRGRM	equ	$10
OBJCT	equ	$1
stk	equ	200
	psect	rmatest,$11,$81,0,stk,entry

name	fcs	"RMA Test"
prm	fcb	$d
prmsize	equ	*-prm

entry	leax	name,pcr
	leau	prm,pcr
	ldy	#prmsize
	os9	F$FORK
	os9	F$WAIT
	os9	F$EXIT


Here is the READOUT window contents after the build:

Rainbow IDE
(C) 2006 by Taylor Software, All Rights Reserved


os9 format "Disks\disk1.os9" -ss -t35 -e
Format Summary
Geometry Data:
       Cylinders: 35
           Heads: 1
   Sectors/track: 18
     Sector size: 256

Logical Data:
   Total sectors: 630
   Size in bytes: 161280
    Cluster size: 1
os9 format "Disks\disk2.os9" -ss -t35 -e
Format Summary
Geometry Data:
       Cylinders: 35
           Heads: 1
   Sectors/track: 18
     Sector size: 256

Logical Data:
   Total sectors: 630
   Size in bytes: 161280
    Cluster size: 1

rma main.asm  -o=Files\rmatest

os9 copy "Files\rmatest" Disks\disk1.os9,rmatest


Here's the project .bow file, but notice that the JVC image format is 
not really used since os9.exe has been chosen from the IDE for disk 
imaging instead of imgtool.exe.  imager_index=2 stands for os9.exe.

project_author		"Roger Taylor"
project_description		"test"
mess_system		"coco3h"
image_name		"disk1"
image_name		"disk2"
image_type		"coco_jvc_os9"
imager_index		"2"
image_format		"SS35"

Module","E","binary","0","","6809","OS-9 Level II RMA"

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