[Coco] Glove Final Release 2...

James McKay jmckay at jmk1.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Jan 16 18:22:01 EST 2007

Oops...  It's never a good idea to call something "Final Release", so here's 
the second (and hopefully final) release.

* Cassette loading routine made more reliable.
* IRQ changed to try and prevent the occasional screen flicker on a CoCo 3.

Get it at the usual place:

On other matters, Cronosoft ( www.cronosoft.co.uk ) will be publishing a 
cassette version and I've received some excellent inlay artwork from Graham 
Richards.  I've now made a master tape which will be sent very soon to 
Cronosoft, so for those of you who've had trouble with cassette loading or 
have a CoCo 3 (and have noticed flickering), I'd appreciate it if you could 
download this version and tell me (fairly quickly) whether I've made things 
better, the same or worse!


James McKay.

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