[Coco] Mastering OS-9 file corruption

James Hrubik jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 26 15:47:18 EST 2007

(was Re: [CoCo] Free OS-9 Documentation!!!)
Howdy Mr. Daggett:

I just paged through the entire volume.  Page 41 has some formatting  
corruption, but the rest of it looks pretty good.  I think some of  
the other screen "examples" are also off just a tad in their  
formatting.  Otherwise, that is an amazing book!  Anybody serious  
about using OS-9 (and NOS-9, by extension) should read it.

On Feb 26, 2007, at 3:01 PM, jdaggett at gate.net wrote:

> On 25 Feb 2007 at 9:18, James Hrubik wrote:
>> I just went to the site.  Running MacOSX 10.4.8 and Safari,
>> "Mastering OS-9" opens in Preview as a 240 page text, all completely
>> readable except the last few blank pages (about 5), which appear to
>> be reserved for user notes.  I think the file is good; it's the Adobe
>> Reader that is causing the problem.
>> .....
> ************
> James
> Mastering OS9 PDF file is corrupt. Must have happened during PDF  
> generation.
> When I open the PM4 files with Pagemaker 7 I see the corruption  
> there. Not
> certain that the conversion from Pagemaker 4 to Pagemaker 7 is  
> creating it or
> what. I will have a look and see if it can be corrected and then  
> the PDFs
> regenerated.
> james
>> OK, just copied all of Frank's stuff to my hard drive.  "Mastering
>> OS-9" opens just fine in Acrobat Reader 7 on the Mac; all 235 pages
>> that contain text are clearly visible.
>> "Words of Wisdom", however, shows only the first two pages.  Opening
>> it in Word, it is obvious the rest of the text is missing.
>> --Jim Hrubik
>> On Feb 25, 2007, at 8:18 AM, jdaggett at gate.net wrote:
>>> Dennis
>>> I have Adobe Acrobat V5 and Pagemaker 7 and I can read all pages of
>>> Mastering OS9, either PDF or PM4 version.
>>> ALso can read the OS9 Development system and Mulotivue PDF files.
>>> james
>>> On 24 Feb 2007 at 18:12, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
>>>> At 06:05 PM 2/24/2007 -0500, John Murphy wrote:
>>>>> 6.0x of the Reader *is* very old.
>>>>> The current version of the Reader is 8.0x.
>>>>> The old versions were recently *patched* to eliminate a severe
>>>>> security vulnerabilty. It's been six weeks since the vuln was
>>>>> fixed, not since  version 6 was released.
>>>> At least they're patching. I loathe anything Adobe, so until
>>>> they're updater says my version won't work anymore, it'll stay
>>>> there.
>>>> But that doesn't address the original problem. Ghostview also
>>>> doesn't see anything past the first few pages, nor does Pagemaker
>>>> (the original document creator).
>>>> Dennis
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