[Coco] [Color Computer] What happend to http://www.nitros9.org/

Roger Merchberger zmerch-coco at 30below.com
Tue Feb 20 16:08:44 EST 2007

Rumor has it that Gene Heskett may have mentioned these words:

>I spoke too soon it seems.  After several hours of a file (or less) a
>minute average speeds, its finally bailed out with a signal 11, whatever
>that is.

SIGSEGV -- Segmentation Fault.

Google found me this:

"""Usually a fatal signal 11 will mean some sort of parity errors in your 
RAM or other hardware faults. I had this once when `cc1' got corrupted due 
to a race condition and bad blocks on my hard disk. There have also been
         reports that overheating chips, (not french fries), can also produce
         such errors. And watch for poor IDE controller/drive combos that
         are being run faster than the standard 8MHz AT bus clock. These
         can give the same errors by causing corruption of the swap space.

         Usually, a signal 11 (segmentation violation) means that a process
         tried to access memory out of its process space, or tried to write
         into a read-only location.  Sometimes, this signal is caused by
         software bugs, not by hardware faults (or your system would hang
         repeatedly, because the same thing happened to the kernel).  With
         gcc 2.3.3, some people could reproduce a lot of "signal 11"'s.

>   man cvs doesn't say.  I restarted the checkout about 5 minutes
>ago, but so far zero progress.  A tcpdump isn't seeing any traffic from
>I give up. sourceforge wins again.  I hope Boisy has an image someplace
>else safe.
> >>The trouble with conspiracy theories are that they assume the
> >> government is organized.
>Cheers, Gene
>"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
>-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
>Yahoo.com and AOL/TW attorneys please note, additions to the above
>message by Gene Heskett are:
>Copyright 2007 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.
>Coco mailing list
>Coco at maltedmedia.com

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | A new truth in advertising slogan
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | for MicroSoft: "We're not the oxy...
zmerch at 30below.com          |                         ...in oxymoron!"

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