[Coco] Nitr0S-9 question (and thanks)

Becker, Gary Gary.Becker at amd.com
Wed Aug 15 19:45:32 EDT 2007

I modified os9gen with these two changes.

         ldy   <lsn0+DD.MAP,u	get number of bytes in device's bitmap
*new code
         cmpy  #1024
         bcs   less                 DD.MPA is less than 1024
         ldy   #1024
*end of new code
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Read   
         ldy   <lsn0+DD.MAP,u	get number of bytes in device's bitmap
*new code
         cmpy  #1024
         bcs   less2                DD.MPA is less than 1024
         ldy   #1024
*end of new code
         lda   <devpath
         os9   I$Write  		write out the bitmap

Now I can gen the 132 meg drive image. There are still some issues with
os9gen. This fix only limits the reading and writing of the allocation
bit map to the first 1024 bytes. If the number of sectors in each track
is large enough, the boot track could be beyond this range and some bad
things could happen. Maybe I will fix these issues sometime.

Thanks to everyone for getting me over this hump.

Gary Becker

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