[Coco] creating NitrOS9 boot disk

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sat Aug 4 17:59:18 EDT 2007

Bob Devries wrote:
> Hi Gang,
> Sheesh, I thought I knew how to do this......
> I've tried several ways to make a bootable dis under NitrOS9 V03.02.06, 
> but have failed miserably.
> First off, I'm trying to create a Single sided, 35 track disk so that I 
> can copy it to the DECB partition of the NitrOS9.vhd file. So I have set 
> DMODE to DNS=01 CYL=0023 SID=01
> Then I have modified the standard.bl file in the NitrOS9 distribution, 
> to select the descriptors I need (80 trk D0, D1, and D2, cloud9 clock), 
> and then run the MB script.
> This all seems to work fine, and the disk looks good, and the idents are 
> right.
> I insert the image into drive D0 and the NitrOS9.vhd into the HD slot, 
> and type DOS. Here's what I get on the screen:
> KREL Boot Krn tb0.......
> and there it stops.
> The status line of VCC shows the tracks going up to trk 34, and then 
> back to trk 00, sector 01, and that's it.
> It seems that the kernel track is being read, but none of the boot file. 
> Can someone suggest some causes?
> I'm stumped.

Sorry I didn't get to this sooner but I've been having medical problems.

If you want to boot from a .vhd Disk Basic drive, you must change the 
boot module in track 34. The normal one looks for a floppy the special 
.vhd version or real hard drive version will try to read the hard drive.

The NitrOS-9 releases do not come with a boot module for emulator .vhd 

If you have downloaded my RGB-DOS for emulators, a boot disk is included 
which has the needed boot module for reading a .vhd image. Once the boot 
disk is installed in the Disk Basic partition of the .vhd, you will need 
to run LINK.BAS to tell the OS-9 LSN0 where the OS9Boot file is located; 
on the RGB-DOS boot disk.

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