[Coco] Conversation with a Tiger Direct rep...

Hex Star hexstar at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 20:45:05 EDT 2007

I would avoid TigerDirect at all costs...

Gary Nueman Says: 						
  			May 2nd, 2006 at 2:18 pm   			

I really do understand everyones point of view and the frustration
involved in making online purchases, however i am of the opinion that
Tiger direct can still make good on thier promises and finalize orders
towards our satisafction. I just think we are exaggerating the issue a
little bit too much, and most likley isolating this matter to just one

Instead of just complaining on a blog you can try to call them like i
did(and many others) as this has resolved our problems quickly.
Complaining doesnt help nor does it get any point across any forum. It
simply is a waste of space and as we all know…"space abhords an empty

make this blog meaningful instead of a hate site. find a solution for
all customers with issues to improve the present condition of inertia.
There are better things to do in thgis lifetime than to blog away the
time with slander.

12 			Anonymous Says: 						
  			May 2nd, 2006 at 2:46 pm   			

Gary, your comments come across as very biased when the IP that you're
posting from goes back to a Systemax owned IP address.

(Actually IP information removed so I don't have to listen to any
bellyaching from the parties in question.)

This is not a hate site, this site is about enlightening the public
about the sneaky, deceptive, and in some cases outright dishonest
business practices of Tiger Direct.

If Tiger Direct wants to do right by their customers, and fix their
mistakes, I agree, that's what they should do, but it's not the
customer's responsibility to constantly chase them and beg them to
make things right.

kevin mallack Says:
May 2nd, 2006 at 10:05 pm

dear administrator:

im a friend of gary and the attempt of revealing(or evening having
access) of a private IP address is pretty lame.

AS a matter of fact, gary and myself will counter your pathetic blog
with our own(based on facts and not stupidity nor a cowards way of
approaching an issue as you have)

go ahead and post my IP in any manner and you will find yourself in a
very real lawsuit where you will not hide behind your blog. you want a
flame war you have one…a real one…we will also be frequenting the IRC
channels for support as well as other avenues of assistance. Your
stupid site will be removed in one` way or another.

yes..this is a hate site as posting someones IP address in this manner
is downright uncalled for.

if anthing has been proven today..you are most certainly bias. its sad
that the net has to allow stupid administrators like you to post you
hate messages…will see you soon

Current Tigerdirect Employee Says:
May 6th, 2006 at 11:48 am

Hello kids. I am a tigerdirect employee and I am here to set the
record straight. I am also going to give you the **#1** tip to make
sure you have a good experience with tigerdirect. [see end]

I am not going to blow sunshine up people's ass — tigerdirect has many
problems that need to fixed and like many big companies it is slow to
do so. But the company is not out to scam you. You know how little
$200 means to the company?

When you call and say you were charged XXX instead of YYY; we have to
verify the information on our end and get proof from you. Don't expect
things to happen overnight. It can take days to get adequate
resolution. Yes, Princess, the world does not revolve around you and
you are not the only customer. There are others with more important
problems. If you have a legitimate reason, be patient, it will be
solved. I have NEVER **EVER** seen a legit reason not be solved in
favor of the customer when escalated.

Dude, don't post Fran's email. That is f****ing retarded. Does she go
around posting your name and email on www.annoyingcustomer.org? And
get Tigerdirect's logo off your site because you are asking to get
sued. Take a look other hates sites — they never use the logo because
that is infringement.

Realize, at the end of the day you deal with people who take crap from
other people all day long; be considerate, understanding, and patient
— and they will go out of their way to help you. Act like an
inconsiderate jerk and you are going to be treated as such.

If you want to avoid many, if not, all the problems with online
ordering — call the 1-800-800-8300 number to make the sale. Agents get
commission on sales you place over the phone– so it is in their best
interest to make sure you are a happy customer from start to finish.
The agent who places the order will also have to take care of any
subsequent customer service issues related to that order. We (customer
service agents) make no money on web orders and therefore you will get
the standard service.

Trust me; call in all your orders. We get money, you get excellent
service. Everyone is happy.

If anyone has questions, feel free to ask me.

Formal Employee Says:

Onrebate.com � ULTRA Products � Systemax- Global Computers � Power Up
- CPU Tech Support and Tiger Direct.com are all the same company. They
tell their employees when they get hired that they are completely
separate company even though the employees get a check from the same
company, same bank Wachovia � same Coach Que- aka Manager extension
and most of these employees work under the SAME ROOF. How do I know?
Cuz I use to work there until they drew the last draw today.

Tiger Direct is a company that treats it�s employees like a number,
I�m not sure if they got the idea from Bellsouth but they definitely
need to improve the management in that company. I walked through 2
isles within the call center of nothing but buckets from the United
States Postal Service of rebates submitted by customers only to know
that 85% of those rebates submitted will be rejected. The secret to
this company rejecting the rebates is by not allowing you to claim
with a copy of a UPC and not allowing you to claim twice for either
not sending it through the correct postal method which I personally
was advised that any copies that come in that did not have these
things should be denied, no questions asked. They also stopped the
Rebate Guarantee program so that customer�s who submitted and were
denied by Onrebate department could not claim it through Tiger.

I was also a witness to many of the dirty deeds like treating
employees like their own customer�s. Yeah I said it, and I told their
Stupid ass HR lady who seems to follow everything by the book that she
can take that book and shuv it up her ass. Anybody that works for that
company that is not in front of a supervisor or monitored by QA (Which
the QA department does not exist , it is just the supervisor�s and
managers logging in the agents phone when they feel like it -)
basically will tell you that 90% of the calls coming in are nothing
but RMA request, exchanges and upset customer�s because of defective
products or returns for refunds.

I am not sure why so many defective products are returned to this
company, I for one never bought anything because seeing how much RMA�s
we created was scary. I also wanted to add that the security in that
company sux too. Anybody can walk in and walk out easily simply by
saying yeah, I work here. I did that for 2 months when I had lost my
pass card to get in and would easily just follow employees in whom I
never met before but simply saying, sure- I work here. Anyways,
customer credit card information is shown to trainees whom are not yet
hired by the company. Yeah, I actually trained along with the other
twenty something people to work and practice on actual customer
accounts. I saw credit card numbers, address, the 3 digit security #�s
on the customer cards, and the exp date � with the billing info and

I was expecting to have this information blocked out from people who
did not pass the training classes but hey, that is the way they train
and been training for the last couple of years. Any employee in that
company can easily write down a credit card number with all the info I
just stated and do dirty to a customer. Customers usually call in
advising there have been fraudulent charges on their credit cards..
hmmmm hopefully it was not an employee but we can�t say that. We
simply tell the customer to fight it with their bank � we don�t even
look into it.. How sad is that?

They had me doing customer service initially, and I noticed that the
better you are at your job and the better you get, the more Work is
given to you. Employees are rewarded not by thanks but by more work.
Shit I was then sent over to work for Tech Support for ULTRA on the
other side of the isle from where I was doing customer service. They
decided now to implement a chat program where Tiger Direct customer�s
can chat with employee Agents.. Guess who those Agents are??? They are
ULTRA � Systemax �CPU Techs doing customer Service for tiger Direct�.
Wow � Just look at their names on each that answer the chat then call
ULTRA and confirm those employees work there � put 2 and 2 together
and hello ??? There is your proof.I hated doing those chats and
assisting customers on the phone � the customer quality was not good
and when I complained they simply said if you can�t multitask then go
somewhere else lol. What a bitch.

You know, I asked the manager�s and the Supervisors of the floor 3
weeks in advance if I come in to work on Memorial Day if I would get
paid the Hours I work + The Holiday.. I was looked in the eyes by all
3 High Authorities and was told yes� I even asked them in front of the
other employees to make sure everyone on the isle heard the response
and we were told yes we would get paid the hours we worked + the
Holiday� well today the reason which lead me to write this upsetting
letter for the entire world to read which may or may not make a
difference to many people out there is the fact that I did not get
paid those extra hours.

You know what their excuse was? Well if you would have read your
employee manual you would have seen that you would have had to be with
the company X amount of days to qualify for the paid Holiday. OMG �
After asking a bunch of times 3 weeks in advance and I am talking
about Managers working their for over 5 + years !! if they were sure I
would get paid and my answers were yes, I and my fellow co-workers
came in worked those hours and then were rejected on this check for
those hours because it was our fault?? WoW � I knew we treated the
customer�s this way but treating the employees like this too was just
too much. That was the reason I sent HR to hell and told my Higher
Superiors they can shuv the warning (yes I got a verbal warning for
complaining about this) to shuv it up their [@#$#%@%] and [@#$#%@%].

Let it be known to the world, tiger direct has bad customer service,
bad security with customer information, and pretend they are not other
companies when in fact� they are.

Whatever- Tiger Direct� Your Verbal Warning has been denied, have a
good day and enjoy your new reputation.

Formal Employee of,

ULTRA Tech Support
CPU Tech Support
Systemax AOL Tech Support
Tiger Direct Customer Service Agent

Former Employee Says:
June 21st, 2006 at 4:25 pm

I use to work over in Tiger Direct as well and I remember one thing
that they use to do on their Flagship software from CA (Channel
Partner) a.k.a eTrust was to cover the UPC with another sticker on top
of it in hopes that it would confuse the customer's so that in return
they would not want to claim or just stop looking for the UPC code all
together. You don't know how many customer's I use to get asking where
the UPC on not just this product but many products out there.I had to
admit, it was a nice scam until I complained about it and then I was
fired heh. How bout dem apples huh ? I'll never want anything to do
with a company as sleezy as this trust me I use to work there too.

and more at http://tigerdirectsucks.org/wp/?p=3&cp=all#comments

In addition compare TigerDirect's reseller rating
(http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Tiger_Direct) to Newegg's
(http://www.resellerratings.com/store/Newegg) and really there's all
the proof you'll ever need to avoid TigerDirect...!!!

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