[Coco] [Color Computer] Anadisk and CP/M

pawzisme pawz at ntlworld.com
Thu Aug 30 13:04:05 EDT 2007

Hello folks, I have joined the group purely to pick your brains as
help is not easy to find on this topic.

I have here a  fairly large  pile of  5.25" floppies most of which
were used in a Genie (TRS80). The guy who used them was into all
things computery and was also a writer. I say 'was' because he died a
couple of years back.  His wife has asked me to see if I can find any
of his 'stuff' on these disks, and to that end I have an old 5.25
drive mounted in a fairly old computer, and am using anadisk to
explore each disk. I also have teledisk and disk22.

I am getting on ok with Anadisk, but  I would like to know I am
searching each disk fully, and not just one sector.  If I do a Sector
- edit, and then let the arrow progress to the end of  the disk, with
my finger on F10 to read the next bit, am I actually covering every
sector or only everything on one sector?

I do hope someone can help as this is a wearisome and mind-numbingly
boring task, and if I get halfway through and then discover I have got
to go over them again because I have missed sectors, I shall not be a
happy bunny. On t'other hand, if I  go down the initial sector list
and let the arrow progress to the end of the line for each listing, it
will take ten times as long to do one disk.

So I thought it time I asked them as might know.... :)

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