[Coco] !!A simple method for having both a term32 and using windows!!

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sun Aug 26 02:56:18 EDT 2007

Recently there were several threads (actually complaints) that the 
current NitrOS-9 6809 Level2, could not boot into a term32 and then open 
a window. Here is a perfect way to handle this for those that insist on 
keeping the vdg 32 column term but still want access to windows.

First, this is not a bug introduced by NitrOS-9 but a limitation of OS-9 
that has recently become known as NitrOS-9 has made the OS-9 system more 
powerful. The program grfdrv has grown in size exceeding $2000 bytes. 
When you boot into a term32 screen, the system subsequently can't find 
the required contiguous pages in memory to get grfdrv up and running in 
order to use any windows. This is not an issue when you boot into a 
term40 or term80 screen. It is also not an issue using NitrOS-9 6309 
Level2 because grfdrv is smaller than $2000 bytes.

So what is the easiest way to have both a term32 for older games and 
programs but still have access to windows in 6809 Level2? Simple, don't 
boot into term but into a window!!

  Here is a very simple route to having your cake and eating it too. 
Alter the module init so that it starts a window instead of term. Here 
is a step by step procedure for making that change.
  Take your boot disk for NitrOS-9 6809 Level2 which uses term32. Boot 
with the disk and enter:
ded os9boot
L init
and then edit /Term so that it reads /W7rm. Note that you must use 7+$80 
so the new byte values will be $57 $B7. Be sure to verify the module 
before leaving ded by entering  V. The reason /w7 is suggested is that 
the default descriptor is an 80 column text window. You could use any 
window that has the descriptor values of your choice. Just be sure to 
enter the #+$80.
  Now add a line to the startup file:
shell i=/term&

The result will be a disk that boots into an 80 column /w7 but your term 
will still be a 32 column vdg screen usable for older programs.

If this suits your needs but you think init looks tacky with /W7rm, just 
assemble a new shorter length init so you can get rid of the rm. Use 
that init to os9gen a new os9boot file.

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