[Coco] email super sleuth

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at qsl.net
Tue Apr 24 22:39:44 EDT 2007

Kevin Diggs wrote:
> John,
>     I was wondering if you might take a look at this and tell what you 
> can divine from it I replaced my email with noone to prevent harvesting?):

Hello Kevin,

I composed a reply to this last night, and it never showed up.  I 
suspect that gmane misclassified it as spam.

I can send you a private reply if you send the e-mail to my 
malmberg(at)encompasserve.org address.  Encompasserve.org does not use a 
content filter for anything other than viruses.

gmane mungs all text that contains an at-sign, so I do have your real 
e-mail address.  I could use the one that gmane generated, however I do 
not know if a message discussing a spam header would end up in the same 
black-hole of my previous post.

The fastest way to get an answer about parsing e-mail headers is to set 
up a newsreader to the news.spamcop.net news server.  Both Mozilla and 
Outlook Express allow you to access multiple news servers at a time.

Then post the headers and any other part of the spam sample in the 
"spamcop.spam" newsgroup there, following it with a post in the 
"spamcop" newsgroup referencing the title of the post containing the 
spam sample.

There are several people on that forum that usually will give a detailed 
explanation in a short time.


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