[Coco] OT: Immigration

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Fri Apr 13 12:15:30 EDT 2007

On Friday 13 April 2007, Rod Barnhart wrote:
>This is definitely OT, but with the recent discussion of Diego's
>situation, I thought it might be worth sharing:
>I work for a company which does criminal background checks, random
>drug testing, and other pre-employment and criminal justice related
>services. One of the services we offer is submitting fingerprints to
>the state crime lab electronically (or the FBI the old fashioned way)
>for them to run a check against them.
>Yesterday, we had an 81 year old woman show up for fingerprinting,
>because apparently INS suddenly showed up on her doorstep to arrest
>her and start deportation hearings against her. Even though she has a
>greencard, a snafu at INS makes them think she does not. So, she's
>gotta go through the entire process again, even though she's been in
>the US since she was 17 and has had her greencard from the beginning.

What an absurd situation.  With snafu's like that taking up their time, its no 
wonder no real work gets done.

>Apparently a state lab check against her fingerprints is part of that
>process now.
>On a positive note, she had a sense of humor about the entire
>situation, saying that she should jest let them deport her because
>could use the free vacation back to England to visit her three
>sisters, but then she'd have to sneak back in via Mexico (which she
>was sure she could do). And that she's not here to steal or jobs or
>rob our banks, because, as she said "I don't drive. How would I get
>Sorry for being so off-topic. Even though the situation was surreal
>and not really related, it reminded me of Diego's situation. I thought
>others might get a kick out of the absurdity of it as well...

A kick yes, but sympathy for the ladies situation too,  heck, I'd bet she has 
worked, paid her SS, and is drawing it back now, and that's perfectly 
ok/kosher in my accounting system.  I hope someone in the legal profession 
can do her some good, pro bono.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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	"Have you lived here all your life?"
	"Oh, twice that long."

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