[Coco] Fest Weekend

Brian Blake random_rodder at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 5 11:02:25 EDT 2007

Mark, more than once!!! Usually not punishment. When 'sailor' arrive from boot or new training, they have them do manual labor around the base until their schools begin. Usually only lasts a couple of weeks or so. Snow on that base is a night mare. Funny, I got there in the middle of August and saw they had a 'beach' on base. Me and a few friends went to the beach after we checked in and such.. Coldest damn water I've ever been in, even in August. The nature springs we go to here in Florida are warmer at 72 year round.

Yeah, got tons of studying to do. Getting ready for a Linux cert, continuing my MCSE, learning CoCo stuff (Nitros9, basic09, etc...) and hobby time with electronics again... I'm one studious fool...lol.


----- Original Message ----
From: Mark Marlette <mark at cloud9tech.com>
To: coco at maltedmedia.com
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 10:55:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Coco] Fest Weekend


So you then ate a few times at the McDonalds that was on base? :)

I have never been to another McDonalds on this planet that was as busy  
as that place!!!!!

Seeing them rake leaves and move snow is another sight to be hold. Not  
sure if that was how they did things or if they were being punished.

Enjoy your renewed interest in tron chasing!


Quoting Brian Blake <random_rodder at yahoo.com>:

> Mark,
> No, I was not in the munitions field. I was a Twidget, more commonly  
>  known as an Electronics Technician. I was trained in surface search  
>  radar and shore based communications. I've recently begun to   
> re-learn what I learned in the first place, picked up an O'Scope and  
>  all. Having a lot of fun!!!
> Brian
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Mark Marlette <mark at cloud9tech.com>
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 10:06:41 AM
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Fest Weekend
> Brian,
> Now that is some early planning and is GREAT!!!!
> WOW, Great Lake NTC! Were you ever in the Gunnery School? I wrote an
> operating system that was installed on the MK13 and MK26 missile
> launcher training systems. We traveled a lot to GLNTC. Fly in to
> MKE(Mitchell) and drive down, easier than trying to go in to O'Hare
> and drive out.
> That was many years ago('88-'92). Very Cool stuff, 8085 running ~200k
> of object in real time. Three banks of code, launch system, weapons
> control and the operating system.
> Since the US has decommissioned most of this old hardware they then
> sell it to our friendly allies. Was just in a meeting yesterday and I
> might get to return to this project and go to Australia!!!!!!
> Look out...I'll be taking a hunting trip to New Zealand if that comes true!
> Mark
> Cloud-9
> Quoting Brian Blake <random_rodder at yahoo.com>:
>> Well, I'm a '68 model who due to military medicine feels like a '48
>> model some days and a  '78 model when playing with my kids. After
>> that I feel like a '38 model.
>> Anyway, I'm planning on tying my first trek to CoCo Fest in with our
>>  spring break trip to Ohio next year. My wife has protested, but, I
>> told her she can stay in Ohio with her family while I go see my
>> friends from CoCoLand.
>> Funny thing is, I was stationed in Waukegan at the Great Lakes NTC
>> in 1991 & 1992. I'd hate to think I was that close to a Chicago fest
>>  and didn't even realize it...
>> Brian
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at verizon.net>
>> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
>> Cc: coco at yourdvd.net
>> Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 9:07:00 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Coco] Fest Weekend
>> On Thursday 05 April 2007, coco at yourdvd.net wrote:
>>> I am a circa March 30, '68 model. My son is March 28, '89. (two days
>>> later we would have had the same birthday). He just turned 18, and I
>>> was looking to find some CoCo stuff to reminisce with the kid (that's
>>> how I ended up at this list). When he was three I lived in an
>>> apartment, and got visitation every other weekend. We spent the
>>> weekends trying to beat Cosmic Ambush and Crystal City. One day, I was
>>> taking a shower and I heard the 'lil guy at the door - he said ''dad -
>>> I broke your computer'' - turns out he had wiggled the old gray
>>> multi-pak when he bumped the CoCo 3 and fried the 74ls245. I told him
>>> not to worry, I ordered some 74ls245's (HC and HCT and F series also
>>> since I was gonna be experimenting), sockets and a spare 68B09E (just
>>> in case - a wiggled multi-pak can kill that too). As luck would have
>>> it, it was the '245. I found out my CoCo didn't like an 'HC245' but it
>>> could digest the 'F245 and 'LS245 (original part) - so by next
>>> visitation, we were ready to kill some more evil space drones :-). We
>>> sorta cheated because I rewired an IBM auto-fire joystick for the CoCo
>>> - made Crystal City especially easy to blast! So, anyway, even tho' he
>>> is 18, he is spending more time with dad<me> and our 're-acquired' CoCo
>>> stuff. -r
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Subject: Re: [Coco] Fest Weekend
>>>> From: Richard <rcrislip at neo.rr.com>
>>>> Date: Wed, April 04, 2007 1:23 pm
>>>> To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts <coco at maltedmedia.com
>>>> On Friday 30 March 2007 10:02, coco at yourdvd.net wrote:
>>>> > I certainly wish that I had found this list and the CoCo community
>>>> > earlier such that I could have taken a vacation from work and been
>>>> > able to attend the fest. I could have celebrated my birthday there
>>>> > (which is today)! I hope all goes well for everyone. Enjoy the FEST!
>>>> > -r
>>>> I did enjoy the FEst and celebrated my birthday there too 8-). I am a
>>>> March
>>>> 31st, 1947 model.
>> I am glad to see an apparent resurgence in things coco, particularly the
>> newer "model" of user.  As a '34 model, and slowly rusting out, the fresh
>> enthusiasm takes me back 20 years.
>>>> --
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>>>> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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>> Cheers, Gene
>> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>>  soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
>> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
>> Windows NT: Only 16 megs needed to play Minesweeper!
>> --
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