[Coco] OT: fuzzy stuff

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Apr 2 15:47:38 EDT 2007

On Monday 02 April 2007, James Hrubik wrote:
>Thanks for the heads up, Gene.  I checked my address book at
>earthlink, and sure 'nuf, you were MIA.  Can't figure that out, as
>many emails as we've traded.  All fixed now, though.


>I keep a tight spamblocker control on everything, but almost all the
>cocolist addresses are cleared to fly on through to me.
>coco at maltedmedia.com has a generic clearance; stuff coming
>specifically addressed to me has to be manually cleared on the first
>AAMOF, my optical mouse picks up fuzzy stuff (dust/lint, I guess) off
>the desktop over time; it sticks to the gummy little pads on the
>bottom of the mouse and eventually tears them off.

Yup, I've lost a couple of them that way myself.

Cheers, Gene
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