[Coco] Named pipes in OS-9/68K

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Sat Apr 28 12:08:53 EDT 2007

Having trouble with named pipes on the MM/1.  Maybe I don't understand
how they're supposed to work.  If I do something like:
"djpeg -targa photo.jpg >/pipe/intermediate.tga"
It appears to hang.  If I go to another virtual terminal and do a:
"dir -e /pipe"
I see "intermediate.tga" with a file size of 90.  In fact, any file sent
to a named pipe never gets beyond 90 bytes, and the program writing the
file just goes to sleep at that point and stays there.  My MM/1 has 8M
of RAM.  I've found that the ramdisk needs to be 'iniz'ed before use, so
I tried "iniz /pipe" but that didn't make any difference.  Anybody have
any ideas how this is supposed to work?


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