[Coco] RGB to S-Video adapter Coco 3

Christopher Hawks chawks at dls.net
Mon May 22 23:04:28 EDT 2006

Fedor Steeman wrote:
> What's this thing about a RGB to S-Video adapter for the Coco 3? Where 
> can I
> get it? Does it work on PAL teevees too?


	Sock Master (John Kowalski) posted a message (way back, 13 Dec 2005 ??) 
about pulling S-Video from the RGB-to-PAL daughterboard. I _could_ build 
the RGB to S-Video adapter for PAL (simple changes to the circuit), but, 
have no way to test it.

Christopher R. Hawks
DOS: n., A small annoying boot virus that causes random spontaneous system
      crashes, usually just before saving a massive project.  Easily 
cured by
      UNIX.  See also MS-DOS, IBM-DOS, DR-DOS.
	-- David Vicker's .plan

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