[Coco] Trouble booting nitros9

Diego Barizo diegoba at adinet.com.uy
Mon May 1 23:33:58 EDT 2006

If you have one of the standard Nitros9 disks they have scripts to help 
you create a customized system, and they are simple enough that just 
giving them a look will help you change whatever you might need.
Look for them in NITROS9/6809L2/SCRIPTS and NITROS9/6809L2/BOOTLISTS (in 
your second disk if you are using 40 tracks).
There are modules for CF cards as SCSI and IDE.
I guess that's what you need to get started.


Frank Pittel wrote:

>Can I use the load command to "load" the modules? Otherwise I'm going
>to have to try and figure out how to build a new kernel with the proper
>modules and then get it on the boot partition..

>Thanks, I think I'll need it. :-(

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