[Coco] Static RAM in CoCo3?

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Thu Jun 22 19:28:28 EDT 2006


I tend to agree that since there is no circuit that is proven to 
demultiplex the Z-Busss so that one could test if static ram would 
work it is a mute point on cost. 

I would be glad to look over any design. 


On 22 Jun 2006 at 11:11, Roger Merchberger wrote:

> >  considering you can get 512K bytes of SRAM for under $5.
> Yes, but if there was a reason that dual-ported RAM was *necessary* than
> this is a straw-man argument. If regular SRAM wouldn't work, then the
> lower cost is moot.
> So James, if I drew up a schematic of a 512K SRAM board, would you check
> it over & help me out with the parts that I'm unsure of WRT DRAM?

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