[Coco] Format problem in NitrOS9 V030206

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Mon Jun 19 04:45:37 EDT 2006

Bob Devries wrote:

> The only thing I need to try now is using the *standard* rb1773 driver, 
> to see if that makes a difference. If that is the case, I suspect an 
> anomoly in the disto version of that driver.
> I will continue my investigations, and report further.
> -- 
> Regards, Bob Devries, Dalby, Queensland, Australia

OK, I repeated essentially the same test except that I used MESS to 
generate a boot disk using the Disto no-halt rb1773_scii_ff58.dr driver 
by modifying the standard.bl script. The CMDS directory was dsaved from 
the distributed boot disk to the new one. This image was transfered to 
my Coco3, used to format a disk, and backup a bootdisk. There were no 
disk errors and dcheck gave a clean bill of health.

So I can't reproduce your error with either the standard rb1773 or a 
Disto rb1773. The CRC of the Disto driver used is $2B3405.

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