[Coco] Re: Help! A CoCo2 died on me!

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jun 16 18:49:41 EDT 2006

Fedor Steeman wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have now uploaded some pictures of the inside of the CoCo2 to show the
> video mod. More technical details and pictures will follow later:
> http://www.coco3.com/gallery/v/User+Albums/CoCougar/BrokenCoCo2/
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Fedor

Your original message says, "... won't display any image anymore, 
neither through antenna cable, or the composite video output ...."
If that is true, it is not the add-on circuit itself that has failed.

The best way to trace the source of this problem would be with an 
oscilloscope; if you have one. Work out from the 6847 following the 
video signal.

The circuit does not look too unusual and seems just to be a buffer amp 
perhaps bleeding in some color burst signal. Given the photos, I'd look 
for a short where a wire has been displaced during transport and is now 
touching something it should not.

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