[Coco] Re: Sierra games with sound!!

Guillaume Major gmajor at videotron.ca
Mon Jul 24 23:02:27 EDT 2006

> I'm having trouble making the kq1-2.dsk. DSKINI from the Nitros9 web page 
> gives a write error on track 2.
> So I used mess to copy the files to a blank /D /T40 image and tried again. 
> Same write error. No matter what image I copy the files from kq1-2 to, I 
> get the error. I did rename the image .os9 before playing with it in MESS.
> I have a blank image DSDD.OS9 and I can dskini that to a disk no problem. 
> When I copy the files from kq1-2.dsk to the same image it gets an error 
> writing track 2.
> I had similar trouble doing the non-sound version and fixed it by copying 
> the disk 2 files to a blank image in mess and Nitros9. This time its not 
> working.
> HELP!!!! :-)

I had the same problem with this disk (kq1-2.dsk) but it was on track 8. 
Then I put the files on a blank 360K OS-9 disk image (40T, DSDD) using 
wimgtool.exe from MESS and it worked for me. That's weird, because I 
transfered all disk images on real disks (with DSKINI) to make sure they 
were working before putting them online. You might want to try with wimgtool 
instead of using Nitros9.


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