[Coco] Re: News of Ashley Taylor

Richard E. Crislip rcrislip at neo.rr.com
Tue Jan 10 12:23:12 EST 2006

Hello Roger

I can not tell you how sad I am to hear this.. I can hardly see to type this
for the tears. Parents and uncles should not have to bury their children, but
sometimes they do. My Son and new daughter-in-law (married 3 months) just
brought home my new 4 year old grandson. They are adopting him because his
real parents (her half brother) are such idiots that they law had to remove
him from their care and authority. He's such a gift. I set here imagining me
in your situation with him and I start to get misty eyed again. I will be in
Bible study tomorrow morning and we will be praying for you, your brother
and your sister-in-law. Please help them to stay together, they will need
all the support they can get.

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