[Coco] Interesting Ebay find.

Mike Pepe lamune at doki-doki.net
Wed Dec 13 19:27:26 EST 2006

Phill Harvey-Smith wrote:

> Exactly the same size as my silver CoCo 1, except white, also seems to 
> have a semi-rough texture too.

Is there a part number on that motherboard?

I wonder if perhaps it's a specific PAL layout board.

> That's the one that was sold as a data terminal wasn't it ?

No, that's the videotex, I have pictures of that too:


The TDP-100 was sold through different channels (not Radio Shack or 
Tandy Computer Center) mostly for commercial and educational markets. I 
recall RCA had something to do with it, or also sold them, but I don't 
remember exactly.


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