[Coco] Is the 6309 worth it?

Leon Howell puritan_2076 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 8 12:59:57 EST 2006

> I also did this because I had the tools and  expertise to clip all the 6809 
> leads, solder-suck out all 40 holes, and install a socket!

That's probably what I'll do.

> If you're just interested in keeping a CoCo running,

It runs fine; I just want it faster.

> but to me  the CoCo is still painfully slow no matter which CPU is 
> installed;

It's as fast as, and often faster than, any MS-Windows machine I've ever used. 
What are you using that's so much faster?

> I  can't honestly see ever doing any "real" work with it anyway.

I do real work with mine all the time. I doubt you've ever realy even tried 
with yours. I'm convinced, by my own CoCo 3's performance, that you don't know 
what you're talking about.

> So without getting too wordy,

I think you already have. You've completely discredited yourself in front of 
the whole CoCo comunity.

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