[Coco] followup on nitros9/disto errors

wdg3rd at comcast.net wdg3rd at comcast.net
Mon Aug 28 00:10:58 EDT 2006

From: Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at verizon.net>

> My favorite editor is the vi conversion of tsedit.  It can make use of a 56 
> kilobyte buffer on a coco3.  Even tsedit itself, the one time I ran it 
> before patching it, looked as if it was a quite usable editor. Those disks 
> were available as service parts for less than a 5-ver from the shack a few 
> years ago, but I've no idea as to their status today.

tsedit was quite close to vi, at least the v7 version that was stock with Tandy Xenix, unless you got into the fancy vi stuff.  As a straight editor, very compatible.  I used vi at work at the RSCC (when I wasn't using Scripsit-16, the second best general purpose word processor ever made IMAO) and tsedit at home (When I wasn't using AllWrite, the best general purpose word processor ever made, again IMAO).  (Model 2 Scripsit 2.0, the program Isaac Asimov used to write his last 150 or so books, comes in third, but I love and use it also).

Well, actually, I used all of those both at home and work, but moved files between Xenix, LS-DOS, OS-9, TRS-DOS (several flavors and platforms) as I needed them to go.  A null-modem is a good friend.  And ASCII encoding is absolutely necessary.
Ward Griffiths    wdg3rd at comcast.net

Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.  Denis Diderot

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