[Coco] Rainbow IDE 1.2

Roger Taylor webmaster at coco3.com
Mon Apr 24 19:19:09 EDT 2006

At 05:36 PM 4/24/2006, you wrote:
>Most of the files do not have entries for "output object", "output 
>filename", and a few are missing "file type on disk". The files in 
>question are the data files which should be "copy", "binary", and use the 
>name from the source.

Sorry, guys.    I see now that the ready project was not updated in the IDE 
installer.  Here is the pacdude.bow file that I am using now to build and 
run the game.

Note that there is only one TAB between the left keyword and the right 
parameter in the first set of lines.

project_author          "Brian O'Neil"
project_description             "CoCo 3 game"
mess_system             "coco3h"
image_name              "disk1"
image_type              "coco_jvc_rsdos"
imager_index            "0"
image_format            "SS35"


Roger Taylor

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