[Coco] OT -- PC needs TWO Shut Downs

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Apr 3 23:41:37 EDT 2006

On Monday 03 April 2006 22:45, KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:
>Soething I should have mentioned -- a couple years ago my Win98 PC
> refused to even pass POST, but just sat there and beeped.  I took it
> to the local computer repair shop (a very fine business), and they
> said my RAM was in the wrong motherboard slot!  Moving it to the
> other end of the 4 slots fixed  the problem.
>I take that to mean that my BIOS somehow forgot which slot the RAM
> SIMM was in, and looked for it somewhere besides the slot that it had
> worked properly in  for over a year.
>I'm not in an office or college dorm where some "friends" could have
> popped my case and moved my SIMM, either ...
>In a message dated 4/3/06 10:24:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>gene.heskett at verizon.net writes:
>>In  which case there are several linux distros whose cd's contain a
>> copy of memtest86, or its small enough to fit on a floppy if that
>> portable has one.
>Is that something you can run from DOS mode, or tweak the BIOS to boot
>I can't install Linux on my Win98 box.
If its on a floppy it will run automaticly if the floppy is first in the 
boot order on a  reboot.  If its on a linux install cd, then it should 
be a choice on the first screen that comes up when the cd is inserted 
and the box rebooted, again if the cd is ahead of the HD in the bios 
boot sequence.

Another thought I just had was the backup battery for the cmos bios.  It 
might be down to 2 volts or so.  Or the battery and socket is corroded, 
in which case a fresh battery & some contact polishing is in order.

>--Mike K.

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2006 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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