[Coco] Mocha Enhancements

Brad Grier bradgrier at cox.net
Thu Apr 20 23:59:25 EDT 2006

I'm not exactly sure if anyone's interested but I've added a couple 
significant enhancements to the Mocha Color Computer 2 applet.

You can now save multiple snapshots and later reload them from the 
snapshot tab. If you run the signed applet, you can save these to disk. 
Good for when you're stuck on the "pie" level in Donkey King.

There's also an "advanced" tab that allows you to tailor the speed of 
the emulation (you can even turn off all throttling to see just how fast 
a Java emulation can run).

Lastly, there's automated support for "Napkin" and "Substance" look and 
feels. Get those jars from their respective web sites and drop them into 
the jre/lib/ext folder (usually in "c:\program files\java\jre..."). The 
next time you run Mocha, those options will appear in the look and feel 
list box on the config screen. Substance is kind of like Mac OS X and 
Napkin is hilarious - everything looks like it was hastily drawn on a 
Napkin. Java 5 is required for this particular feature. Check it out.

Napkin Look and Feel

Substance Look and Feel

Mocha - The Color Computer 2 Applet


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