[Coco] Out for a bit

Frank Pittel fwp at deepthought.com
Thu Sep 22 21:37:31 EDT 2005


As you know your first priority is making sure that you and your
family is safe. Anything else is a distant second. God speed and 
remember that you and everyone in the area are in our prayers.


On Thu, Sep 22, 2005 at 05:43:13PM -0500, Boisy G. Pitre wrote:
> As all of you are aware, Hurricane Rita is headed our way.  UL  
> dismissed classes at 12:30pm today and we won't be in class tomorrow,  
> so it's expected to get pretty bad here.
> We plan on sitting out the storm at home, but the winds here in  
> Opelousas are projected to be sustained at 60MPH+.  As such, I  
> suspect we will be out of electricity, which means no Internet  
> access.  To those of you needing to email me regarding Cloud-9 or  
> NitrOS-9 project stuff, do so.  I'll eventually get to the email.
> Boisy
> -- 
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