OT [Coco] Icy Warming

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 22 11:31:35 EDT 2005

On Sep 22, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> While generally true, don't forget the decrease in salinization.  The
> sea ice is fairly pure water, the salt having been excluded from the
> freezing.  Its this reduction in the specific gravity that the
> atlantic conveyer runs on that is bringing it to a halt also.  When it
> reached the north end, the cooling caused it to sink & reverse path,
> but with the dilution of the saline by the thawing ice, combined with
> the glacial melt runnoff, is lowering the specific gravity of the
> now cooler water and neutralizing the engine that drives the atlantic
> conveyer. That may throw another little ice age across europe and our
> northeastern seacoast. But this will be temporary if we drasticly
> reduce the greenhouse gases we emit with our cattle & machinery.

Gene, that isn't sufficient by itself to significantly affect the total 
volume of sea water.  The glacial melt runoff is the added liquid.

The decrease in salinity is a local effect.  However, the overall 
salinity of the sea is still increasing, not decreasing.  We put more 
road salt and other soluble pollution in the ocean than the melting ice 

You just made a valid point, however.  All this change business is 
temporary.  It's just that the cycles are measured in spans longer than 
a normal human lifetime.  Nothing to worry about; just adapt like 
humans always have.  That may not be comfortable - change never is - 
but it's good for causing trouble politically.  If you want to change 
the power structure, make people unhappy, or scare them.

+|||||||||  HRUBIK APPRAISAL SERVICES  ||||||||||+
+||||||||   James C. Hrubik, Sr., RAA   |||||||||+
+|||||||  Appraisal & Appraisal Review   ||||||||+
+||||||  Consulting & Litigation Support  |||||||+
+|||||||        V/F-(330)745-8435        ||||||||+
+||||||||    jimhrubik at earthlink.net    |||||||||+

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