[Coco] CoCo vs EMP WAS--> Re: Coco Digest, Vol 24, Issue 48

James C. Hrubik, Sr. jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 13 15:13:37 EDT 2005

Thanks, Rogelio.  That's the kind of constructive thing I had hoped to 
trigger. [back out from under my rock]

On Sep 13, 2005, at 3:03 PM, Rogelio Perea wrote:

>>> The USA will never be destroyed by external forces. It will be 
>>> destroyed
>>> due to internal policies. But we're way off topic here!
>> Of course it's way off topic.  But some of us have an interest in 
>> keeping
>> semiconductor systems working no matter who tries to kill them.  And 
>> the
>> biggest terrorist organization on the planet is HQ'd in Washington 
>> City.
> It'd be interesting to somehow rig an EMP test vault and check out the
> CoCo capacity to withstand such an event...
> Some years ago while working on a Harris HT10FM transmitter room, we
> could not use just any laptop as the thing could lock up when least
> expected. The HT10FM was putting out 10kW of FM power, granted, most
> of that energy flowed to the antenna elements way up on a 300 ft
> tower, the tower was located abuot 140 feet from the TX room. We could
> only get an old Zeos 286 laptop to work properly anywhere within the
> confines of the small patch of land dominated by the FM tower, the
> Zeos was all encased in metal except of course for the LCD screen.
> Other equipment in the same location would freakout: one time a
> surveying team panicked when their top of the line laser transit
> system locked up and did not function; any video camera brought into
> the area would show more or less moire patterns on the viewfinder and
> that got into the tape as well. I had an F board CoCo setup in a
> adjacent room (the "office" as the station owners said) and never had
> a problem with it except for a very tough time setting up the proper
> aluminum foil shielding for the B&W TV I had as a monitor. The CoCo
> was mainly used as an entertainment system and a nifty calculator...
> station logs were kept on Deskmate's SHEET application.
> Management never went for buying an EMF monitor (despite our calls for
> one), and me and my colleague quit before we bought one for our own
> use, so we never knew how much energy was floating around on that
> particular site.
> Mmmm... pondering about it... I do have access to a phasor room
> (directional AM site) where 50,000 watts of pure AM are just about
> everywhere... phasor room walls neatly lined with copper... mmm... I
> am taking the F board over there within a week and report the findings
> to the group :-)
> -- 
> -=[ Rogelio ]=-
> --
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